Seb Lee-Delisle
Coding Beyond the Screen: The unique challenges of programming massive public laser displays

Join BAFTA winning digital artist Seb Lee-Delisle in this engaging talk about his life and work over the past few years.
Although Seb is known for his large and spectacular outdoor light and laser shows, he is fundamentally a coder. In this fun closing keynote, he’ll talk about the unique challenges of working with computers at this scale, and demonstrate how to code mesmerising particle effects with an actual laser.
Seb Lee-Delisle is a BAFTA award winning artist and speaker who specialises in large scale interactive light installations.
His work is a celebration of technology that encourages interaction and playfulness from the public. Drawing on his previous experience as a game programmer, he works with electronics, lasers and high power projectors to bring his artworks to life. Notable projects include Laser Light Synths, super bright bespoke synthesisers with laser visuals for the public to play, and PixelPyros, the Arts Council funded digital fireworks display that toured nationwide in 2013.
A regular speaker on the international conference circuit, he likes to demystify programming and explore its artistic possibilities. His presentations and workshops enable artists to overcome their fear of code and encourage programmers of all backgrounds to be more creative and imaginative.

What an absolute pleasure to be here. It's been such a great day. What an amazing Conference. I've had a great time. Let's hear it for Nexer and Shaun and the team. Thank you for doing such an excellent job. I want to shout out to the stenographers, right, how amazing is that?! Like (Applause) I can tell you, they've got their work cut out for this particular session! I'll try and keep the speed of my speech slow‑ish!
But, you know, I'm a programmer as well, I always notice technical things. Anyone else notice that? I've been watching the streams of text flowing down, so fast, like bbrrr and if they make winner report and have to delete, it's one space at a time it's like so slow, the rest of like bbrrr then one mistake and delete, delete, it's almost like, I'm going to have to chat with them, because I feel like to delete you have to press five buttons or something! I don't know. Anyway... it's just me then!
So, yes, I am a laserist and for those of your laser artists, if you prefer, this is actually a real term, definitely a real job. It goes right back to the '70s when people just started figuring out that you could use lasers for artistic effects, fascinating history which is probably a presentation all by itself!
But yes, just to confirm that it's a real job, I noticed that Lou in her first presentation today in their first presentation mentioned Lou, you did mention laserists, right? Are you there? At least I think that was the quote, right. Was us? I must admit I was really tired and might not have been paying attention. I also had to look up who Victor Papanek was. I learnt some stuff so that's cool. I'm going to show you some of the large events, the work that I do. Is there sound coming out? Any sound of this? There you go. I tend to do these massive, large‑scale light installations. This is like Newcastle New Years, and this is a festival in the West Country, Coventry cathedral. You get the idea that these are just big outdoor things with massive sky lasers. Look at that Newcastle skyline there, pointing the huge lasers into the sky. I've written my own laser software called Liberation which I'll talk more about later. Fat Boy Slim my first ever laser gig. I've been working with lasers for a long time before them but that was my first time I tried out my own laser beam show software. Anyway... you are probably all wondering, how did you get here?! Okay, let's start. I am a coder. And so, we are going to just do a retrospective into my life of code. Like, Katy can do a retrospective, right, Madonna can, people generally say I'm a Madonna of lasering. Katy is a superhero of UX. Rewind 15 years to when I was a flash programmer. I made a lot of flash games. Like this one. Extreme Pamplona, one of the most popular games for a good year or so. It was a huge game, still being played even today. But a really massive project that I did with my company, Plug‑in Immediate Coo called Big and Small and it was a kids' interactive website for the BBC. Anyone know this website? Yes, okay, cool clam was anyone a kid when it came out? Yes, okay. So, it's, do you want to see it? Shall he I run it? Yes. Okay, I've recently discovered there's a way to run all the flash games. It's called Flash Point, I think. And so, all the old games and stuff, millions of the games have been archived and available for downloads, so anyone who used to play flash games can now access them all. Very ‑ what can I say about this project ‑ 3D in flash. I don't know if any of you know flash, but it's not a 3D programme. So, to do this kind of job, it's very, very annoying, the sound effects. Yes. To do ‑ real‑time 3D flash like this was not an insignificant undertaking, and my speciality back then was 3D rendering. And my colleagues At Plug‑in Media My company that I set up, I had a couple of business partners by then, they were much more engaged in the children's media than I was. I still wanted to apply all of the high‑end production values and the coding skills to this game or this experience as if it was like for adults. And I think that's probably one of the things. We never really wanted to patronise children with shoddy technology. So, yes, what can I say about it really? There's like Sky boxes in the background, real‑time physics in this. How do you make this ‑ can't remember how to play this game now ‑ so, you know what, I was reading a blog post of mine from must be 15 years ago, talking about the project, and it said at the bottom, oh, and there's an Easter Egg in Big and Small, let me know if you can find it. I don't know what that is! Got no clue. Anyway, real‑time spring physics on the bed there. But probably the star of the show is the Toothbrush Gang. Uh‑oh, found the toothpaste. Let's get one thing clear, I can brush my teeth all by myself. Okay. Urgh. Pfft... Ugh, are you... Ugh. I'm going to stop you there, because you might think that this is a ridiculously hilarious and weird game, and you'd be right, but I want to point out the real‑time reflections on the mirror over here, just like really advanced stuff here, like look at that! It's even got a fuzzy blurriness, and this is all software‑rendered 3D, it's not hardware accelerated. Small's still bouncing. I was working on this project for a year‑and‑a‑half, and I just had to listen to this over and over and over and over again. So, at the time... let's mute! Mute! Mute! What was I saying? Yes, it was a bit of a weird thing for me, because I don't have kids, my business partners did have kids, but I always felt like, because I didn't have a direct connection with this, like I knew, I heard that millions of people were playing it but I never actually got any feedback from anyone that was playing it that wasn't five until last year. Because now they are grown‑up, right. It turns out that the toothbrush game is a meme and there are all these YouTube videos like talking about ‑ what the shit is this ‑ and everyone going, I remember that from my childhood and everyone doing remixes and animations from it, 3D modelled versions of it. I don't know, I don't know what that is, who is that character? I don't know. Yoda?! What?! I don't know. I don't know if I want to scroll over there. What the hell is that? Truly bizarre surreal animation versions. Anyway...
I'm a bit afraid to even listen to this. Is that a Minecraft version. It's always risky, isn't it, opening a YouTube search. Let's get one thing clear. I can brush my teeth. I don't know what the point of me showing you this is. Maybe I had a point, but I lost it. I don't know. The educational informative part of this Conference is now over.
What the hell is that, there are truly bizarre, surreal animation versions. Anyway...
Because I wasn't totally connected with the audience, I didn't feel satisfied. I went through the process of opening my own company. It is tricky. But I wanted to look at things I have been exploring, large, interactive outdoor events. This is the first one I did in 2012, called PixelPyros. It is an interactive fireworks display. Got massive projectors, used infra-red lights and when people touched lights on the projector, it triggered fireworks. That is really how I got into lasers. Because, I wanted to make it so that there were little bright spots of light. I just realised - oh, does it have a laser on this clicker? Woah! So, there you can, see, lasers are pretty bright. Like even this tiny one is brighter than the projector, right. If you go to the brightest bit of the projector there. Little teeny lasers. I thought if I could add them to the projections, bright spots of lights, I bought one and was messing around with it at home and started programming it. This is some of the first experiments. Like, how many particles could I draw with a laser all at once? It was a pretty exciting time. But I really hurt my eyes! I mean, it is not like - as long as the laser is not pointing in your eyes, you are probably fine. But even just like the really, you can see the clip here, I don't know if you can make it out, this is the first big laser I rented. I was just doing a test on the wall. Those bright spots were just blindingly, brilliantly bright. How do they work, generally display lasers - in fact, do I turn this on? I did bring a laser. It is all fine. So, lasers have laser sources, like this, inside, that produce a beam and then, like the beam hits these mirrors. And these mirrors are attached to galvanometers, so they are like the motors you get in VE metres, you know like stereo inputs and stuff. Something that can move very fast in a limited motion. If you operate it left and right, it goes left and right or up and down. You can move it wherever you want but the galvos are so fast you can create solid images. Like this, that is one laser moving fast and you can see like this one, I'm turning the laser off while it is moving. You can see you can get cool things. And just like I do that, you can see what my laser is doing. Like the galvo. Oh, shall I turn it on? Let's see what happens? Because live demos, always go fine, don't they! First thing to do - activate the "stop" button. It's all right, I have got very good public liability insurance. I will close this down in the background, it was probably going to be, all right, hello, yeah.
That is Lenny Henry, did you know? He did both voices. What am I doing? What am I saying? I think the best way to start a live demo is to compile your app. Oh, that didn't take too long. Such a pro. It has been quite a while since I have done a talk, don't know if you have noticed! So, let's get the test going. Oh, there was a whole load of other stuff I meant to tell you. This is the wrong demo. This doesn't seem right. OK, I'm going to open my laser show, this is what I'm going to do. This is Liberation. And it has a built-in laser show. I don't know why that is there, I thought it was because I can adjust it for this. Ignore that one doing the same thing. I will probably talk more about Liberation later but I wanted to show you a single dot. Let's just arm the lasers. Oh, I will turn that off. I wasn't ready for that. I wanted to turn the brightness down. Arm the lasers. OK, there you go. So, you can see that is pretty bright now. I'm just going to start moving that. Genuinely there is a danger, if you don't move it, it can start to melt things.
Is that funny? I don't know. I have very good public liability insurance! £10 million. I didn't design this interface for making laser beam effects, so as part of Liberation I can make a little alignment. I probably don't need to have it moving up and down so much but you can see how I can make laser beams. How did I start? First of all, this is 3% brightness. Let's turn it up to full brightness. OK, now we are talking about. So, there are different types of laser effects. Now this one is laser - you know I'm pointing it at the projector, so you can see where the laser ends up. And using this, I can do graphics and imagery and things like that. Usually you can see in the 3D visualiser, beams coming towards you, right. Now, you can't see the beams in the air right now, because there is no haze in the air. Normally for my shows, I have big sight machines and haze machines, and you will be able to see the beams. It turns out they do have a haze machine here but they can't turn it on because it sets off the fire alarms. That is cool. I brought my own haze machine, here. It might take a little while! Actually, could this set off the fire alarms? I don't know. It is actually a vape machine. It has a fan in it. Gosh that might set off the fire alarms. Sorry everyone. Don't ever do that. It is really dangerous. If I turn on a few advance settings. Let me find the laser settings, here we are. So, I can actually leave the laser on while it is dry. So, you can see that that is the path that the laser has to take. And you can slow down the laser. This sometimes crashes when I do this. Let's see what happens. So, you can see that that actually is just one laser. Pretty, isn't it? OK, there will be more lasers later. But for now, I'm just going to push this very serious looking red button. And we are safe! OK. Let's hear it for the laser. So, this is PixelPyros. You can see the big screen there. That screen is 18 by 12m high. This is a long, long time ago. this is some of my very early projects, when I was just starting to learn about - oh, I look so young in that picture just then. Oh, I mourn for youthful, enthusiastic me. A decade of complicated outdoor shows has ruined me. Well, you can see here, can we have the lights down a little bit, so we can see the video there, lighting engineer? What, me? What? Hello! Yeah, all right. Anyway - you can't see but there are bright spots of light where the laser is kicking out little explosions. Aw, this was an interesting project. Now you are turning the lights off. I'm talking now... No, it is fine, fine. This is an interesting project. I was reminded of it by Shaun yesterday. Were you at this event? Yeah. This was Smashing Conference in Oxford; I think around 2014. We decided to do an introductory laser show for the audience. But it started off just with the main projector. But after a little while, we broke out of the projector and turned on the lasers. So, this is the Oxford Town Hall. We 3D mapped that entire space with lasers. MUSIC PLAYS
And there was a big organ in there, we had to turn it into a graphical... What do you call them? I have forgotten the name of them now. A sequencing analyser. Anyway, so, yeah, that then, that was like one laser and that was all we could ever afford to rent. And it was like £1,000 every time I wanted to rent it in. It was worth about £50,000. So, to give you an idea, the laser I have today is 7 watts, so that is pretty powerful. I own quite a few of those now. These are my travel lasers. They are not the big lasers I use. More on that later. But this 7-watt laser, this is like probably a half a milliwatt laser pointer. The 7-watt laser is like 14,000 times more powerful than that one. That one back then, the 11 watt, 22 times more powerful than this. Back then I could only ever get one on a project. Now I can have as many as I want. Laser Light Synths. One of my projects where I built some synthesizers that light up and they are easy for people to play. I am a musician; I love playing music. I think lots of people love music and want to be a musician. Who ever wanted to be a musician? Yeah. And who never got around to doing it? Why not? Because it is really hard. It's really hard, right. You know, to play in time. Like, there are so many notes! And like most of them are wrong. So, I thought - because I sort of think that anyone who appreciates music is innately musical, because there is so much complex brain processing to even to be able to like enjoy listening to music. So, it must be there, inside us. So, I have built these synthesizers that were easier to play. I locked them in time. I took out all the wrong notes and you could jam around and there were four of them and I have big laser beams everywhere, it was a really good, fun project. You will notice that like a lot of my projects have an element of fun. And when I worked in a sort of the more art world, I suppose, I often feel a bit insecure because I don't necessarily have any deep meaning behind what I do, or I don't have any, like, concepts. There is no concept in my art. There is no process, statement, it is literally fun. Who saw Coco's talk about fun? How good was that? That was feeble. I was genuinely asking, because I couldn't get into it. She is so famous now. So, Coco, you can do your talk for me later then, right? Wow, really known for her fun response! Right, OK, so we are now in 2020, I have a pretty good career, as like a light artist. And my big plan for 2020 was to replace fireworks. And so, this is a test project I did in Aberdeen. I built these light sticks; I built six and designed them all with custom PCBs. There were loads of lights and they were touch sensitive. I don't know if you noticed just then, but when you touched the light stick, a light shot out of the end of the stick and when you got to the end it was seamlessly switched with a laser projection. So, this is just like a really early test. But I had quite a few bookings that year, later in 20... 20! So, I had a really exciting year ahead of me. And I had big plans to make 20 of these light sticks. Yeah, anyway... It didn't quite happen. Obviously, this was February 2020 and we had heard a little bit about some flu or something but that was miles away, I am assured we didn't have to worry about it. Oh, just here is a close-up on that. Can you see the way it connects? I love that, like connecting the lights in the stick to the projection up the wall. It is very cool. So, this brings me to the pandemic. Like everyone, for a few months, I was just like - urgh? How did they spell that on there? Urghhhhhhhh!! I thought there would be more Es in it.
Such a great job, isn't it? Such a good job. But, you know, it is one thing when they are making my jokes for me. It is a lot easier when you have the stenographers on site. So, like everyone else, I was urghhhhhhh. And I had no idea what was happening. So, I ended up trying to 3D print face masks and adaptors for snorkel (?) masks to help the NHS who were short of things. And then we started out on a Wednesday night, it was Wednesday, wasn't it, our appreciation for the NHS? Is that right? Wednesday? Thursday. It is like a dream, isn't it? It is like it never happened. And I was like, you know, pots and pans, pretty cool. But I do have some lasers! And I also live in Brighton and I have a balcony out the back and I can see across the whole of Brighton more or less. And there was this skyscraper that I had my eye on. Sussex Heights. Why don't I project my lasers on there. really, you should get permission for that but it was a global pandemic, anything can happen. The thing that struck me - to get serious for a minute - the thing that struck me was that everyone responded to well to this and it was like - oh, yeah, this is what I do for a living, isn't it? This is my job. It probably goes without saying that all of my projects and bookings for the fireworks started to just - well, it just went a bit quiet and then we were like: I'm sure it'll be all right by October. And I was like - yeah, it is going to be all right by October and then I realised it wasn't going to happen. I had forgotten that I could do lasers and I forgot people were into them. There was a huge reaction on Twitter and on the internet and people were so sort of - I mean we just needed any sort of distraction, didn't we, back then? Like, just anything. Anything, it was kind of - ohhhh, entertainment. So starved of entertainment, weren't we? It got me thinking: Isn't there a light installation I can do that is sort of Covid-safe. Everything I had done up until then was like interacted, touching. You know, can't I do something that is long distance? Oh, some lightning. There you go. I forgotten I had edited that in. What a dork! And then you can see, I got a bit bold and started projecting it on to the I362. I wasn't sure if they particularly appreciated it but they never complained. I'm sure it is fine. So, I thought - well, what am I going to need if I do a big outdoor thing with lasers? Well, I'm going to need some bigger lasers. So, I ordered some bigger lasers. I actually got Arts Council funding, they were giving out funding, I can't remember what it was called now, emergency funding and stuff. Of course, I bought two big lasers with it. Honestly, it was quite a terrifying laser. It is 30 watts. Over three times more powerful than this. Well, you saw the pictures of it in the sky, literally lighting up the sky. And to run this in a small room is, it would light up the whole room, it is terrifying. You can't really even be in the same room as it is. You can't get a sense of it from this video. I don't know if you can just make out how much it is burning out of the camera. There are no lights in this room, that is all reflecting from the laser. When you start working with lasers this big, you end up with little burn-marks in your walls and doors and any artwork you have is gone. So, this is my laser, I had it on my balcony and pointed it directly up into the sky and it was like - OK, we have a project. That is the where the idea for Laser Like City and it was an idea that I had where I could put lasers on tall buildings and design a system where you can connect to it through your phone and you can control the lasers with your phone. So, it is like, it brings everyone together but they can all be spaced out. And it is all cool. And so, this is like the first test project in Brighton. This is on top of Sussex Heights, the skyscraper I showed you earlier. Now we have access to it and we are on top and we are installing lasers. This is the first of many, many skyscrapers that we installed lasers on, with the guys from Same Sky in Brighton, an incredible arts project. Big ups to them, they helped me out with that first project. Terrifying installations, you will not look at that, it is terrifying. This is the first test project we did. And we learned an awful lot about how to make these lasers visible. But you can see in the right conditions, from the right position, they are very visible. Like this image here was a shot from like a mile away or something like that. You can see there, someone interacting there with their phone. You could change the colour; you could change the position and you could change the shape. That is actually out the back of my balcony. We have three or four sites across Brighton. So, one of the organisations that had cancelled me that year was Light Night Leeds. Obviously they weren't really sure if they could even have a Light Night that year. I suggested we use Laser Light City and install it in Leeds and that could be their festival. They were into that idea. This is Light Night Leeds of 2020. We installed on six or seven sites across the city. You know, when you get to this sort of scale of project, you just lose count of how many lasers there are. But it was, yeah, it was just a really nice thing to do. It was a very odd thing to do. I have like the biggest crew I have ever had in one of my projects, there were like 20 or 30 of us. But we couldn't mix at all. You know. We had actually two completely separate crews that didn't interact at all. So, we always had a bit of redundancy. So, it was a very strange experience but all of my crew, we all work in this industry. And none of them had had in any work for the whole year. It was such an amazing experience. Not just for the people in Leeds, who actually had something for their very special Light Night Festival but also for all of my crew members who, you know, we just, it was so nice to be out working and producing something a bit special. And obviously with the whole interactive element with it, it is quite unusual with lasers as well. It was a cool project. Now this is my favourite clip from Twitter, I think it was. This is one of the buildings in Leeds. We put the lasers on the roof there but there happens to be a flagpole in the middle. And when you aim the laser exactly right, and it hits the flagpole, it like lights up the whole entire building. So, this guy was just like aiming it on the flagpole and changing the colour.
>>: Yeah.
SEB: Look at him, so happy. Isn't that fun when people do things with your project that you can't ever imagine. Anyway, what else is in my talk. We did Laser Light City a lot of times. Gradually increasing the amount of lasers until now I actually own 30 lasers that are that big. So many that I have to have a separate events production company. You know, just some friends of mine, that actually look after and manage the storage of all of those lasers. That is from Newcastle where he installed the lasers on the Tyne Bridge, really beautiful. Oh, how are we doing? Liberation. This is the big Fat Boy Slim gig, the first time I made a laser show. It was a fun night. I was learning a lot. By December 21, I was in the Albert Hall for a Christmas compendium. Things are escalating quickly. These are the big lasers I brought for Laser Light City. This is a favourite artist, a cabaret show with lots of different artists. It is a charity night. And it has also been used at Glastonbury last year. This is my friend Danie. They had an installation that used my software with 90 lasers. And so, I'm going to talk about the project we did at Coventry Cathedral. It is called Polaris. I will show you a clip later. We were
Yes, I probably can't show you it all, but have a look for it on the Internet. It was a wonderful project, because for the first time, like, having the audience control the lasers is really fun but it's random and people are starting to say, can you design a show for us, and this came out of it, Polaris, crazy synthesizing music. I absolutely loved getting hold of all the retro synthesizers and producing the music and it goes with the visuals of the lasers so well. And because of the beautiful old ruins space, it fit about 2,000 people in there and we could put lasers all down the sides and we had all these amazing starburst effects. Anyway, yes, that's Polaris, amazing show, have a look at that. How do we get from that to asteroids? Asteroids is an arcade game from 1980, and I don't know if you know this about asteroids, but it has a special screen called a Vector screen. Normally the old cathode monitors would go along, scan, left‑to‑right and work its way down the image really fast. That is how it builds up an image. But asteroids have a special screen, a vector, in which the cathode moves around, draws a shape, moves there, draws that shape, just like the lasers do. I remember asteroids from my childhood and now you can recreate arcade games, using meme, you can create whatever you want. Look at the incredible visuals on the display. You can see the bullets are much brighter than anything else and it's because you could move the beam around and when it got to a bullet, it would stay there for a bit longer before it turned off and did the next one. That is why the bullets were much brighter. Of course, recreating that on main doesn't really work, it's just a dot, rubbish. Yes. It's like, ah, look at that! So beautiful and bright. Ugh. Ugh. Yeah. Let's hear it for the stenographers! Incredible work (Applause) so, when I started programming with lasers, I thought, let's recreate asteroids. So, let's recreate asteroids. Ruining the narrative structure of this presentation, clearly. All right let's go back to the joke about compiling my app, blah blah blah, let's turn the laser on. Going to need a longer thing. So, the first thing we need to do is, have we got a pattern? There we go. There we go. We have got a little... is that me? Oh, it's this. Sorry, sorry, sorry. When I go down here, I get really loud, don't I? Hello! Oh, my God, I'm such a loser. Right, okay. So, here we are, we have got the asteroid ship. Another thing that I did for the nerds out there, an Atari joystick from 1977, I think. I took the insides out and replaced it with wireless. It's all completely reversible but it means that I can play asteroids with my Atari joystick. I just realised, this is just left and right cursor. I could have run by whole talk with this. From now on my slides are going to help me run with this. Let's put the brightness up, at the moment we are at 5% brightness. Okay, I think we have some brightness. Okay. So, I think we have got some nice bright bullets now, actually I probably shouldn't pause it. I do actually have the entire game. Who wants to play asteroids? Oh, my goodness. Really? Yes? I know it's been a long day, hasn't it? It's been a long day. You wanna have a go? Come on down, come on down. (Applause) let's hear it for Chris. Go for it, you should be able to press the fire button. Thrusting. If you push up, you thrust forward, it's a risky proposition, because the physics is brutal. Can you clear the level? Look at that! Some major flying skills there. Oh! All right let's hear it for Chris, what an amazing show, thank you! Good job. (Applause) so, it turns out there are other games as well that had their Vector displays. I don't know what is happening?! What is happening? How fast do you think it can go? Oh. There are actually other games from the period that used this Vector display as well. One of them is called ‑ actually what is Next ‑ Lunar Lander it's a classic game and actually I just have to ‑ did I have some slides about this? I hope I did. Hang on. Let's disarm that. Lunar Lander is a special game to me. Partly because I love it so much. But also, because I got to present this exact version of Lunar Lander for a laser at the Albert Hall as part of robin Ince and Brian Cox's shows and I got an Apollo astronaut to play it. Rusty is an absolute legend. He waso so chill about it as well. The thing was, he'd never played the game before! Like, he was actually, I believe, I'm sure I'm going to get corrected now, his mission was like Apollo 9, before the first Apollo 11 landing, but he got to fly the first lunar module in lower earth other bit so he was the first person to fly an actual lunar module in space and it was right before the show and he was just like, such a nice guy, so what did you want me to do again? And so, I had to explain it all and I went back into his dressing room and showed him the game and he learnt how to play it and, of course, he absolutely nailed it on stage. Cool as a cucumber, what an absolute legend. Let's play Lunar Lander the reason I love it is, it's both incredibly chill and extremely stressful. Because it feels very slow, right. It feels very slow, but it isn't slow. So, I've got to try and find a flat landing zone. Shall I go down into the valley maybe? It's actually so bright I can't even look at it. I might have to turn the laser down a bit. No, just kidding. Going to turn the lasers down, that's just crazy talk. So, okay, let's find a nice flat place to land it in. You think you are going nicely along and suddenly it's like, shit, shit, shit. (Applause) thank you so much. Now obviously I have had a bit of practice. But I thought you would like to play? All right let's not do that then. Who wants to play Lunar Lander? It's no good just one person playing at a time, but what if we could all play Lunar Lander? That was a very menacing sound, wasn't it? What if we could all play Lunar Lander yes. Okay. The way this version works, I might have to do some tests actually, is that it takes the volume of the audience to determine how much thrust there is. Okay, so, let's just set a level to start with, shall we? So, let's just imagine you are thrusting as hard as you possibly... no.
(Laughter) I'm so sorry. That's... so embarrassed. Let's just imagine you are engaging your thrusters as hard as possible, is that better? I don't know. So, let's make as much noise as you can possibly make. Let's hear it. I need to set a level. Go. (Audience making noise) okay, good, good, good, all right. So, I think we are ready to go. Ready to play, audience applause controlled. Snappy title. Lunar Lander?
SEB: Okay, let's go. (Audience making noise) perfect! Yay! That was amazing. Nice job, everyone. How are we doing? Running out of time! So now, obviously, we have created asteroids, we have recreated lunar lander 2 with laser, is there any other modern classic games that we could recreate? Flappy Bird. And again, this is audience controlled. The loudest level you have got. Go! (Audience making noise) okay. I think the smoothing is a bit slow and easy. I've been adjusting the smoothing level, it's much better when it's a bit more erratic. Do you want to practice flying him up and down? Getting in the middle. Get him in the middle? Okay. Okay, all right. Ready to play Clappy Bird, in three, two, one, go. (Audience making noise) zero points, everyone, well done, that's brilliant! Do you want another go? All right. Okay. Three, two, one. Go! (Audience making noise) that was so good. Have another go. Three, two, one, go! (Audience making noise). It's the highest score of two points. Yes, one more go. Go! (Audience making noise) Aw. Yay. Well, done, everyone! And that is Laser Clappy Bird we are getting to the end of my talk now.
SEB: Now you wake up! I suppose I should have done the audience games at the beginning, shouldn't I? Anyway, so liberation, the laser industry as a whole is incredibly homogeneous, almost everyone is a grumpy white dude like me, so I'm trying to get more diversity into the laser industry, so for gigs, shows and festivals and thing so I'm running a diversity programme, so if you are interested in getting into lasers and you're the type of person that is in our sector, please get in touch, I'll do some discounted software and free training days. This is the first training day we did, I'm very proud of the diversity we have got, obviously a long way to go, but at least we are making a good start there. See, I'm doing it with my joystick. Cool. Anyway, that's all I've got, really. So, thank you so much for such a wonderful day, I really appreciate it. Thank you. (Applause)